Dr. Christabel Publications

1. Eliud N. Wafula, Christabel N. Muhonja, Josiah O. Kuja, Eddy E. Owaga, Huxley M. Makonde, Julius M. Mathara, Virginia W. Kimani, “Lactic Acid Bacteria from African Fermented Cereal-Based Products: Potential Biological Control Agents for Mycotoxins in Kenya”, Journal of Toxicology, vol. 2022, Article ID 2397767, 17 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2397767

2. Christabel Ndahebwa Muhonja, Gabriel Magoma, Mabel Imbuga, and Huxley Mae Makonde, (2018) “Molecular Characterization of Low-Density Polyethene (LDPE) Degrading Bacteria and Fungi from Dandora Dumpsite, Nairobi, Kenya,” International Journal of Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4167845.

3. Christabel Muhonja Ndahebwa, Makonde, H., Magoma, G., & Imbuga, M. (2018). Biodegradability of polyethylene by bacteria and fungi from Dandora dumpsite Nairobi- Kenya, Plos One 1–17.

4. Christabel Muhonja; Budambula, N.; Kiiru, J.; Kariuki, S. (2012). Characterization of antibiotic resistance in environmental enteric pathogens from Kibera slum in Nairobi-Kenya. J. Bacteriol. Res., 4, 46–54.

5. Christabel Muhonja, Eunice M., Remmy K., Romano M., Anne-Kelly K., (2018) Isolation and Characterization of Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria from the Hot Springs of Lake Magadi. African J of Mic. Res

6. Christabel Muhonja, Eunice M., Remmy K., Romano M. (2018). Microbial Diversity of lake Magadi and other Soda lakes. Intl J of Life Sciences Research Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (449-454)

Dr. Muendo Publications In Peer Reviewed Journals

1.      Opiyo, M.A., Marijani, E., Muendo, P.N., Odede R., Leschen W., Charo H.K, 2018: A review of aquaculture production and health management practices of farmed fish in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine 6 (2018) 141 – 148

2.      Onura C. N., W. D., Broeck., Nevejan N., Muendo P.N and Van Stappen G. 2018.: Growth Performance and Intestinal morphology of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822) larvae fed on live and dry feeds . Aquaculture 489: 70 – 79

3.      Mutunga E. J., C. K., Ndungu and P. Muendo 2018: Factors influencing Smallholder Farmers Adaptations to Climate Variability in Kitui County, Kenya. International journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 8(5): DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2018.08.555746

4.      Mutunga E. J., C. K., Ndungu and P. Muendo 2017: Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions and Adaptations to Climate Change and Variability in Kitui County, Kenya. Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change, 8:3 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617.1000389

5.      Aywa J. O., P. G. Njuru and P. Muendo 2016: Suitability of Athi River Water for Irrigation within Athi River Town and Its Environs. Archives of Current Research International 6(4): 1-13.

6.      Muendo P. N., M.C.J. Verdegem, J.J. Stoorvogel, A. Milstein, E.N. Gamal, P.M. Duc and J.A.J. Verreth, 2014: Sediment accumulation in fish ponds; its potential for agricultural use. International Journal of Fisheries and and Aquatic Studies (IJFAS) 1(5):228- 241

7.      Muendo P. N., J. J. Stoorvogel, M. C. J. Verdegem, Alejandra Mora-Vallejo and J. A. J. Verreth, 2011. Ideotyping integrated aquaculture systems to balance soil nutrients. Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and sub-tropics 112(2):157- 168

8.      Muendo P. N., J.J. Stoorvogel, M.C.J. Verdegem, E.N. Gamal and J.A.J. Verreth, 2007: Roles of ponds in integrated agriculture-aquaculture systems. In: Van der Zijpp, A. J., J.A.J. verreth, L.Q. Tri, M.E.F. van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma, and M.C.M. Beveridge (eds.). Fishponds in farming systems, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 125 – 133.

9.      Muendo P. N., A. Milstein, A.A. Van Dam, E.N. Gamal J.J. Stoorvogel, and M.C.J. Verdegem, 2006: Exploring the trophic structure in organically fertilized and feed driven tilapia culture environments using multivariate analyses. Aquaculture Research 37: 151 – 163.

10.  Muendo P. N., J.J. Stoorvogel, E.N. Gamal and M.C.J. Verdegem, 2005: Rhizons improved estimation of nutrient losses because of seepage in aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Research 36: 1333 – 1336.

11.  Veverica K., J. Bowman, W. Gichuri, P. Izaru, P.N. Mwau, and T. Popma, 2000: Relative Contribution of supplemental feed and inorganic fertilizers in semi-intensive tilapia production. In: K. McElwee, D. Burke, M. Niles, X. cummings, and H. Egna (Editors), Seventeenth Annual Technical Report. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvalis, Oregon, (pp.23-28).

12.  Muendo P. N., 2006: The role of fish ponds in the nutrient dynamics of mixed farming systems. PhD. Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. 120 PP.

13.  Mwau P. N., 2000: Nutrient dynamics with special reference to nitrogen and phosphorus in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)/Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) polyculture ponds at Sagana Fish Farm, Central Kenya. MSc. Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 136PP

Dr. Tindih Heshborne-Publications

1. Tindih et al. (2009). Demonstration of virulence in Theileria parva isolates in vivo: Muguga Vs Chitongo isolates. Tindih SH, Marcotty T, Naessens J, Goddeeris BM, Geysen D.Veterinary Parasitology.

2. Tindih SH, Geysen D, Goddeeris BM, Naessens J (2011). Theileria parva isolates of different virulence infect different T cell lymphocyte subpopulations. Infection and Immunity: 10.1128/IAI.05085-11 3.

3. Jeffrey C.Mariner, James Gachanja, Sheltone H.Tindih, Philip Toye. Thermostable presentation of the live, attenuated peste des petits ruminants vaccine in use in Africa and Asia. Vaccines Volume 35, Issue 30, 27 June 2017, Pages 3773-3779

4. Tindih Heshborne, Thesis book: Analysis of virulence factors in Theileria parva infections ISBN: 970-90-8826-190-9

Dr. Kiragu-Selected Publications

1. JM Kiragu, G Murilla, J. Murage, G.Zivanovic, and JO Owago (20140. Recent advances in the use of insecticide – incorporated screens for trypanosomiasis management in zero grazing units. KVA scientific conference, 23-26th April 2014, Eldoret, Kenya

2. Kiragu JM, Owago, J and Zivanovich G. (2013, forthcoming in September). A novel insecticide screen for tsetse control. ISCTRC, AU-IBAR, 127.

3. Kiragu JM, Thande PC and Njue R (2011): Interactive trapping responses of Glossina brevipalpis Newstead and Glossina pallidipes austen in Kenya. ISCTRC, AU-IBAR, 126,351 – 359

4. James Karuku Kibugu, Margaret Wanjiku Muchiri, Geoffrey Njuguna Ngae, Alfred mwatari Mumba, Japhet Mutegi Kiragu. 2010, Effects of Ethidium on female reproductive performance of laboratory reared tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae), Acta tropica: 116, 157-160

5. James Karuku Kibugu, James Ngugi Mwangi, Japhet Mutegi Kiragu, Margaret Wanjiku Muchiri, Kariuki Ndungu and Raymond Ellie Mdachi 2010. Improved survival of laboratory reared tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) through use of homidium bromide-treated blood diet, International Journal of tropical insect science 30(3): 163-166

6. JK Kibugu, JM Kiragu, AM Mumba, DM Mwangangi and MW Muchiri 2010. Improved protocol for aseptic collection and handling procedures of bovine blood diet in areas with special contamination challenges for use in tsetse rearing. Laboratory animals; 44 281-282

7. JM Kiragu (2009): Trap entry responses of Glossina brevipalpis Newstead in Kenya, ISCTRC conference, Kampala, Uganda

8. Japhet Kiragu, (2007). Ruma National Park, The gateway to Western Kenya. Farmers Pride Magazine, FarmView Media Service, 16-17, Nairobi

9. Njiru ZK, Constantine CC, Guya S, Crowther J, Kiragu JM, Thompson RC, Davila AM. (2005).  The use of ITS1 rDNA PCR in detecting pathogenic African trypanosomes. Journal of Parasitology Research

10. JM Kiragu and Paul Ngare (2004). Is removal trapping appropriate technology for tsetse control? KVA Conference, Kisumu, May 2004

11. J. Mathu Ndungu & Japhet M. Kiragu. (2004) Glossina as a Human and Agricultural problem in Africa. Presentation at a World Health Organisation Experts Committee, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2004

12. Catley, A., Irungu, P., Simiyu, K., Dadye, J. Mwakio, W., Kiragu J. and Nyamwaro, S.O. (2002). Participatory investigations of bovine trypanosomiasis in Tana River District, Kenya. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 16, 1-12

13. Kibugu JK, Mwangi JN, Kiragu JM, Muchiri MW, Ndung’u K, Mdachi RE The efficacy of Triladly® 50% in cryopreservation of low concentration pathogenic trypanosomes. Journal of Protozoology Research 20, 27